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Master’s degree Cultures and Societies – XVI – XXI centuries

The master’s degree ‘Cultures and Society’, linked to the ‘Knowledge, norms and sensibilities’ program of the Centre Georges Chevrier, aims to provide training of high quality delivered by teams of teachers and researchers whose work is authoritative in the two privileged fields of the center: ‘Social history, institutions and conflict and History of the arts, cultural creation and dissemination.,229-.html#SHSMMMC

The program is deliberately international in scope, and is studied on a European scale. This research specialism, organized in two clearly defined parts, aims to make more visible the coherence of the training across the Great East of France, and complements that of the University of France-Comté.

The course is structured as follows:

Master’s 1: four disciplinary courses (early modern history, modern and contemporary history, modern and contemporary history of art and musicology) are offered with the possibility of a multidiciplinary approach.
Some courses have a methodological dimension: time in the social sciences, hermeneutics of music and social sciences, interview and observation techniques, use of archives and picture analysis.

Disciplinary teaching covers the following topics

-Early modern history: history of norms and deviance (XVI-XVIIIth century); social history of the state; the city in the classical age.
-Modern and contemporary history: power and society; space and territories; culture and society.
-History of modern and contemporary arts: Renaissance (XV-XVIth centuries); modernism in XIXth century; the avant-garde in the XXth century.
-?Musicology: Aesthetic and artistic movements from romanticism to the present; theories, concepts and methods of musical analysis.

The choice of options in the second term allows students to build an individualized program which leads to their specialism for Master’s 2 research, and to the Professional Master’s of Burgundy University (XXth and XXIst century European archives; the arts, cultural and heritage sectors).

The two specialities in the teaching of history-geography and of music education prepare students for the qualifying examination for secondary school teachers.
Master’s 2 research offers two possibilities: ‘Social history, institutions and conflicts’ and ‘History of the arts, cultural creation and dissemination’.
The first term offers common courses in the history of the different artistic disciplines, methodology of the social sciences, archival and documentary techniques and languages.
There are research seminars on social history or the history of the arts, institutions and conflicts and creationand cultural dissemination.

Employment opportunities

Secondary school teacher, senior researcher; scientific and cultural coordinator.
Types of jobs: cultural coordinator, researcher, project manager, heritage manager, curator, exhibition manager.


For Master’s 1: accessible directly with License 3 in history, history of art or musicology with supporting documentation for other degrees: sociology, law, geography, ethnology.
For Master’s 2: The training is open to students holding an MA in modern and contemporary history, history of art and musicology. Selection of candidates is made on application, including a detailed curriculum vitae, a brief note presenting the research project, a summary of about five pages of your master’s dissertation, proof of the award of your master’s degree, an official transcript of your marks, an identity photo, your phone number or e-mail address.

The application must be received by the secretariat 5 July 2012 at the latest. A further selection is made in September.

Teaching staff

Sophie Baby (MCF histoire contemporaine), Olivier Bonfait (Pr Histoire de l’art moderne), Thomas
Bouchet (MCF histoire contemporaine), Benoît Caritey (MCF sociologie), Clément Canonne (MCF Musicologie), Valérie
Dupont (MCF histoire de l’art contemporain), Daniel Durney (Pr musicologie), Stéphane Gacon (MCF histoire
contemporaine), Benoît Garnot (Pr histoire moderne), François Jarrige (MCF histoire contemporaine), Philippe Lalitte
(MCF musicologie), Dominique Le Page (Pr Histoire moderne), Isabelle Marinone (MCF Histoire du cinéma), Max
Noubel (MCF musicologie), Philippe Poirrier (Pr Histoire contemporaine), Bertrand Tillier (Pr Histoire de l’art
contemporain), Jean Vigreux (Pr Histoire contemporaine) et Xavier Vigna (MCF histoire contemporaine).

How to join us

Course leader : Philippe Poirrier (Professor of Contemporary History)

University of Burgundy
Bureau 162
2 boulevard Gabriel, 21000 DIJON, France

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